Phones are really not my thing. I am very, very clumsy – which resulted in the fact that I almost thought I needed to buy a complete new one yesterday. Luckily it began charging this morning (24/2-2017). Phew… #MyPhoneIsMyLifeline, #ToAddictedIThink, #SmallThingsInLife, #PSSSSSTTheNewNokiaIsSoonAvailable!!!!

Coming back from Atlanta resulted in coming back to that dark, depressive thought of the fact that I am still unemployed. #PleaseSomeoneGiveMeAJob!!! #ButWoawAtlantaWasGREAT.

Baked “Fastelavns boller” (bread rolls with creme inside) the other day for a future trip me, my mom and my siblings are making. I made 9. I ate 5, a friend of mine ate 1, and there is now 3 left for the trip… #NoSelfControl, #CakeCakeCake, #WhatToDo!


Psst. Dear Ben & Jerry’s! I promise to buy at least one of your icecream a month for a year if you soon oh very soon makes it possible to buy the ice cream pictured above in Denmark! <3 PS and I would be thankful if you could make more diary free ice creams that was also glutenfree?! #PleasePrettyPlease, #PleaseMakeMeHappy, #DreamingOfAtlantaAndIcecream!


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