Phones are really not my thing. I am very, very clumsy – which resulted in the fact that I almost thought I needed to buy a complete new one yesterday. Luckily it began charging this morning (24/2-2017). Phew… #MyPhoneIsMyLifeline, #ToAddictedIThink, #SmallThingsInLife, #PSSSSSTTheNewNokiaIsSoonAvailable!!!!

Coming back from Atlanta resulted in coming back to that dark, depressive thought of the fact that I am still unemployed. #PleaseSomeoneGiveMeAJob!!! #ButWoawAtlantaWasGREAT.

Baked “Fastelavns boller” (bread rolls with creme inside) the other day for a future trip me, my mom and my siblings are making. I made 9. I ate 5, a friend of mine ate 1, and there is now 3 left for the trip… #NoSelfControl, #CakeCakeCake, #WhatToDo!


Psst. Dear Ben & Jerry’s! I promise to buy at least one of your icecream a month for a year if you soon oh very soon makes it possible to buy the ice cream pictured above in Denmark! <3 PS and I would be thankful if you could make more diary free ice creams that was also glutenfree?! #PleasePrettyPlease, #PleaseMakeMeHappy, #DreamingOfAtlantaAndIcecream!


I kind of had my debut as the voice of several vegetables. I always wanted to be the one who made the voices for cartoons! My friend needed help with a video she had an idea for, and I am always ALWAYS up for fun! #thescaryvoiceofvegetables, #Imgonnabefamous #hahaha.

My first two weeks of being in what we in Denmark call Virksomhedspraktik. It is when you are unemployed, you can spend 4 weeks at a workplace either to network, maybe the chance of getting a job or just get experience. After 3 months of unemployment it is amazing actually having something to do during the day! But man I’ve been tired when I came home! #sleepandnoplay, #runninghavenotbeenontheschedule, #manIneedajob.

Being a secret victim of listening to my neighbours having sex have really become seriously annoying! #anyideasastomakethemlessnoisy? #shescreams #iamthatannoyingneighbour.

While having a pleasent evening seeing one of the oldest buildings in Copenhagen from the inside (they only open the doors once a year), my brother and my sister decided that was the day for them to display their impatience and not take a hint. #Idohavealifebesidesansweringmysiblingstextsandphonecalls, #whensomeonedoesntansweryourtextitmeanstheyarebusy, #lovethembuttheywerentpopularlastnight.


Det er åbenbart en buzz-kill i naboens sex-liv når jeg skruer op for TV’et imens jeg ser FRIENDS. Eller jeg ved ikke helt om dét var deres problem, men den bumpende lyd af deres seng op mod min væg varede meget kortere tid end den plejede #thingsIdidnotneedtoknowaboutmyneighbours, #butsheusuallyscreams, #trordeharforsøgtatisoleretvæggeneekstrameget.

Havde besøg af låsesmeden for første gang. Jeg skulle bare liiiige have en pose blandet slik for omkring 20 kroner. 2 meter fra hoveddøren indså jeg til skræk og rædsel at mine nøgler lå inde i lejligheden, som var blevet smækket – derved låst – og min roomie var et eller andet sted i Europa… Verdens dyreste pose blandet slik – som jeg btw ikke fik købt #themostexpencivebagofcandy #neveragain #stupidstupidstupid.

Besluttede at jeg ville forkæle mig selv med at få leveret min yndlingsburger til døren. En dyr fornøjelse, jo vist. Men det skulle jo kun være denne ene gang jo. Det var virkelig et anti-klimaks af dimensioner, da jeg blev nødt til at bestille en pizza fra Domino’s istedet for en burger hos Cocks and Cows, efter at restauranten havde annulleret min bestilling grundet travlhed. I det mindste blev det en EXTRAVAGANCA pizza… #lidtextravanganzavarderoverdet #forkælelseienmindreskalaendførsttiltænkt, #fastfoodleverettildøren, #yayforfredag.

Man siger, at internettet er de introvertes legeplads … Men det tog stadig 2 glas hvidvin før jeg kunne skrive til en random gut på en eller anden datingside. #theperksofbeingintrovert, #hedidnotanswerthough, #butthewhitewine.

Jeg keder mig så meget for tiden, at jeg laver aftensmad lang tid før kl 18 … Det er ikke fordi jeg ikke har mennesker omkring mig. Det har jeg. Jeg keder mig bare.  #randominformation #thePerksofbeingunemployed, #pleasesomeonegivemeajobsoon, #idetmindsteharjegfåetvaskettøj.


This is my very first every day tales on my very own blog! Yibiii yay! #noregrets #Iloveblogging

I’ve found that the very essens of a perfect mother-daughter relationship lies within mastering the “manipulation”-category. For instance, when daughter gives ideas as to what mother should read next well-knowing that these very books soon will be on the daughters own shelves, because mother elsewise would throw the books in the bin. Instead daughter will give them a new, happy home. #nevertooold #noregrets #thankyoumom

If a timemachine ever was invented I would go back in time and tell young Kat Marly that she should spend more time enjoying the careless life of a child and not strive so eagerly to become an adult. #beinganadultmakesyoubiteyournailsinnervousity #theadultlifeequalsresponsibility #Iamnotreadyyet #progressisnotfunny
