Recently in Denmark, we had our first ever shooting-incident. A random, white guy stepped into FIELDs (a shopping mall in Copenhagen, Denmark) in true American fashion and started shooting people. Too many people were influenced by this, and I honestly have a naive hope that this will stay with this one event.

While some stories broke of US Politicians using this small Danish event to underline their pro-weapons arguments. The concern in Denmark doesn’t seem to be whether or not to strengthening laws on gun control. Actually, one of the first comments made in the media immediatly after was how the gun-man had got ahold of the gun? And how this could be prevented in the future?

Interestingly, the Danish society seems concerned in completely different ways.

On one hand, I’ve heard anxious whispers and the almost sighs of relief in the communities of refugees and legal immigrants once it became known that the gunman was white.

Almost, because the next question became why this was not considered an act of terror? Is it because he’s white?

I will never be able to fully compehend the worries and the length this group of people have to go to, to keep their patience in the name of the daily discrimination they face.

It is honestly a bigger concern to me that a group of people in Denmark are holdning their breath hoping a perpetrator is white due to the impact it’ll have on those having the same ethnicity as him or her. Even more concerning, how easily a connection to terror, extremism and radicalisation is made by common society and media if this was the case.

On the other hand, stories have surfaced of people voicing their concern on what impact this insidence have on people with mental health issues and their entry into the labour marked.

So many people wants to work and earn their own living but face many more obstacles trying to actually get a job. Mental health issues or any health issues for that matter shouldn’t be something we hide in order to be able to act like a normal person and make a living. It shouldn’t be yet another mountain to climb.

But with the impact this incidense have had on so many of the people being there that day, the issue of people suffering from different mental health issues and their obstacles coming into or back to work has surfaced.

So many companies seems afraid of the relation and the influence any illness will have on a company. While, I do understand that it is a boss’ job to concern him- or herself with the finances.

What if people with health issues in general could’ve been a part of finding a solution instead of disregarding the competences they actually have or could have?

Why on earth this is still a problem in our society baffles me. Why is it that we are as worker-bees should be flexible and even work in spare time, if the same flexibility cannot be considered the other way around?

The image and idea of a “worker-bee” in some workplaces leaves no space for the ordinary citizen with all of his or her health-issues, life and whatsoever. In a matter of fact, sometimes health only becomes an issue because it is made an issue by outstanders. In my view, it seems as if the fear of what could go wrong is what makes it an issue.

The shooting have been the point of departure of many different discussions, but I got to admit that these two are my favourites. It reveals important issues still lingering underneath the surface that needs to be discussed, considered and dealt with.

I just hope that Mr and Mrs Denmark listens and wonder when someone dudge their heads and hide worriyng about their ethnicity and societies comprehension of it.

I hope there’s a boss or two wondering if they could make a difference and take a chance on the next person they meet that does not live up to their expectations of the “perfect worker bee”.

I just hope this can be the point of departure for a change. Let the US fight the fight Pro-/Against gunst and lets deal with whats really the issues: Our comprehension of our next-door neighbour.


Since graduating from university, I’ve felt stuck. Stuck in an unemployed-bubble, so to speak. Recently, I searched online for the possibility of reading another Master’s Degree both because it interested me but also, I had to admit, in order to replace myself within the very environment I’ve identified myself with the last 5-6 years. Today I took steps that may contain new possibilities for me. A step in the right direction. Contemporary with that new possibilities excites me, they scare me as well. While the new possibilities are within the framework of my current skill-set, they challenge the framework these specific skill-sets have constructed for me as well.

I once took a personality test. It gave me an idea of who I was as a person. Put me in a box. It deducted further that my personality was sooted for a job in a kindergarten for instance. While this test was right – I find taking care of children easy and have a talent for it – that was also what bored me the most. I knew, I had to challenge this frame my personality have placed me within. I know one cannot change who one is, but in my case I believe that just because I am good at taking care of children this is not necessarily what I am supposed to be doing for the rest of my life. Sometimes I’m very good at getting too comfortable within the frameworks I know inside out and become scared whenever I step outside of that frame. However, truth is I also love the rush, whenever I get that “Hey, I can do this”-thrill. So, I knew back then and have known for almost all my life, that if I was to be passionate and dedicated within a possible work-area I needed to go for the areas of work that seemed to challenge the walls of skill-sets and theoretical knowledge I have build around myself. I needed to step out of my comfort-zone and do the opposite of what the personality-tests would say of me. My guideline in life became, and still is, that I had to try out the things that scared the shit out of me.

Because if I was to give in to the fear of leaving my comfort-zone, I would fall into some kind of trance. I would be relatively bored and regret for the rest of my life, that I didn’t step out of the door and instead looking at everyone else through the window. I’ve learned that what tests say of you shouldn’t necessarily be the thing that defines in which “box” you end up in. Sometimes the best thing one can do for oneself is to follow what we get scared of, because we deep down might want it more. Sometimes we have to step of the cliff of comfort and see where we land in the end. It might not necessarily be within what we secretly dream of doing – but maybe in an even better position.

Imens jeg den sidste tid har følt, at jeg har siddet fast i en ledigheds/arbejdsløsheds-bobbel, kan jeg i dag gå på weekend velvidende om, at jeg faktisk gør, hvad jeg kan for at komme i arbejde. Jeg har fået en mulighed for en spændende virksomhedspraktik, der både kommer til at trække på nogle af mine kompetencer men også vil udfordre de rammer mine nuværende kompetencer har sat for mig.

Jeg tog engang en personlighedstest. Jeg mener at huske, at den bebudede mig om, at jeg skulle være i de mere jordnære jobs, hvor der var kontakt med mennesker. Så som pædagog. Jeg har arbejdet indenfor faget engang – ikke som pædagog, men som medhjælper. Det var relativt nemt for mig og jeg kan da også forstå hvorfor testen faldt i den kategori. Det faldt mig helt naturligt – men netop derfor syntes jeg dengang at det var helt vildt kedeligt. Jeg gik derfra med en kæmpe respekt for de mænd og kvinder der arbejdede med børn, formede dem og gav grundlaget for videre udvikling hos det enkelte barn. Jeg forlod erhvervet med en bevidsthed om, at jeg skulle udfordre mig selv på de områder der skræmte mig mest. Jeg vidste dengang, at hvis jeg skulle udvise passion og være dedikeret i mit arbejde, skulle jeg ud i de områder af arbejdslivet der skræmte mig fra hvid og sans, fordi jeg var bange for at fejle. Siden har det været min guideline. Hvis der er noget der skræmmer mig, bliver jeg nødt til at prøve det. Sådan er det.

Derfor udfordrer jeg som regel de rammer der bliver sat omkring mig. Derfor bliver jeg nok aldrig indenfor et arbejdsområde, fordi det er noget jeg har nemt ved. Fordi først da, begynder det at kede mig. Jeg udfordrer grænserne. Jeg udforsker hvad mine kompetencer kan føre til og hvor langt jeg kan trække dem – ud fra den indre følelse af angst. For det er først når jeg giver efter for den angst, at jeg bliver lullet i søvn og kedsomheden vil blive en ven. Istedet lærer jeg om passion og om hvordan vi som menneske ikke nødvendigvis bør lade os definere af hvad rammerne siger om os. Nogle gange er rammerne skabt til at blive brudt ned og opbygget igen.
