Warning. This blog may have been written under angry frustration realising my bloodsugar was way too high after consuming a relatively normal-sized, non-sugary breakfast (because somehow most people will propably think I ate some sugary serial that I should’ve taken into consideration (can you feel me sighing and almost see me rolling my eyes?))

A friend and I were on our way home from an event and I was letting out steam about people who talk as if diabetics can’t eat anything and misunderstands being a type 1 and type 2. It comes down to being informed and you know what, that’s okay! I just find, that I cannot take peoples comments or statements serious when its about something they don’t know.

The thing is, that it’s sometimes not the sugary things that’s my pitfall – it can just as equally be the food that is considered healthy. Some mornings, my body responds in one way to a bowl of oatmeal and other days I arive at work way too low after eating something that yesterday needed to insulin-supplement. In some seasons I need more of one kind of insulin, in others I’m getting waaay too much. Sometimes stress can have an impact, and other times I can be presured beyond extremes and my blood sugar responds as it should. Sometimes I can run 6 km and do a half-an-hour hard physical workout as well other times I can only walk a couple of hundred meters before needing to adjust my sugar.

What most people think is that I can just pinpoint my bloodsugar levels down to what I eat – and yes, that has an influence. But it’s not an exact science. Sometimes it’s presure. Stress. Exercise.

So what can you do? Don’t assume you know. If you see me eat cake, don’t even let it cross your mind that I can’t have that. On a daily basis I’ve been nice, trying to explain.

But I’m tired of being met with the same misunderstandings and outdated scientific results. So, quite frankly; It is absolutely none of your business. How your family member chooses to handle his or her diabetes does not necessarily fit me.

And one last thing. In Denmark, the old term for a diabetic was that he or she is suffering from “Sugar-illness” (direct translation), can we please erase that term from existence? I am concerned about ALL CARBS not just SUGAR! So no, I do not suffer from “sukkersyge” – I am diabetic… Astronomic difference (Maybe not, but I’m pretty pissed at this point).

Oh. And allow me to apologize if I’m offending anyone. I know you mean it as a well-meaning advice. But if I shouldn’t advice others in areas I have no experience in, then let me just assume that goes the other way around as well. Please, consider, if you are offended by this. Maybe it’s because you think you are being a good friend.

Sometimes being a friend entails one listens, supports and asks questions. Nothing more.

Oh, maybe just a hug!

And no, I am not always good at staying within those lines myself but always try to.
