At this moment on Sidereel, I follow 21 series. So, I guess it’s safe to say that I looove series and this time I will review BBC’s series The Musketeers.

It is the same classic story almost a hundred of movies have, more or less successfully tried to capture. The four cocky gentlemen that makes dangerously beautiful sword fighting seem so easy and careless. The very reason that so many movies have tried to capture this story before this series, made me avoid the show completely for quite some time. However, a boring afternoon, where all the usual series didn’t seem to amuse me, I did try it, and two seasons after I am still hooked.

the first season was amazingly caching and I came to like the characters a lot. I am a hugh Peter Capaldi fan and seeing him being a character you come to despise and hate, reveals his major talent beyond that of playing Doctor Who. The second season almost gave me an ulcer. Oh, how I love and hate those stories that makes you want to use all night to watch all ten episode to know if the ongoing hopelessness will turn in favour of the good guys. And I admit, I did watch the finale episode after watching only the first two episodes. The bad guy in the second season was so convincingly bad, that I, in order to stay sane, needed some hope to hang on to. All in all a good show.

However, to some point I do wonder how it came to be that I wooded for the guys who was committing adultery and kills of characters just in order to make an impossible relationship possible. It is just fiction, but after two season I think it will be a necessary break for my nerves and my moral values.

All in all I will give the show 4,5 star. It is really good, but not the show I would race home to see. It do become monotonous, which I guess is just a sign of me having watched the show too quickly. But, I do highly recommend the show.

The two first seasons are on Netflix and episodes from the third season are already on aired in Canada.


I would like to underline that this blog is generalised and meant as a provocation against some standards (or double standards) there is in the Danish society today regarding religion. I find that despite this blog being focused on Denmark, it is possible to transfer the essens of the blog to any country in the Western world at the moment. 

When you have a religious affiliation, you may find it quite difficult getting a chance to share your official opinion without being placed under suspicion. It is for instance difficult being a Muslim, making a stand in the Danish society without being labelled radical and undemocratic in comparison with what is considered Danish values by the majority. This is often evident in the media, where several instances of public stances from people who are well-integrated in Denmark and call themselves Danish, still are being told to “go home to their own country”. However, it is my personal experience that it is not only Islam that is in line of sight regarding demeaning comments on religious worldviews. Because, in Denmark it seems to be “un-Danish” and “undemocratic” to have a religious affiliation. Furthermore, if someone dares to say something about it in public, other’s pull out the “religion is a private thing” card. As if you can express your opinions if they are connected to something the majority of the Danish people find “normal”. However, do you base your values within a Christian framework – or any religion what so ever – you have to keep it to yourself.

At the moment, Muslims are in the middle of the eye of the hurricane because radicalisation is the focus of attention – especially how to stop a radicalisation process. There is a sudden major focus on what Muslims actually think about different subjects. Within the Danes perspective, focus often become more on how to change what Muslims opinions are to be more alike Danish values and democracy in stead of accepting differences of opinions and the freedom of religion and freedom of speech we actually have. Moreover, maybe it is time to realise that the Muslim faith do not have to be so far from democratic values?

In the media Muslims are often displayed as “those people”, “the radical” and in relation to terror. However, maybe instead of pointing towards one minority as the villain, we should discuss an underlying problem that smoulders beyond the surface. Maybe we should talk about the sudden lack of respect for the different, and, in most Danes perspectives, radical worldview which involves an opposite view of the world compared to the Danish values. Maybe we should discuss how many believers more or less intentional oppress what they in reality thinks, because of the fear of being scolded by the majority. Maybe we should leave the utopia that everyone has “freedom of speech” and the idea of Denmark as a manifold society. Instead we should realise that “Danish values” and “democracy” has become the elements of a new religion. The nationalistic imagination of the Dane, who sees religion as a private thing and which shall be abolished when religious people attempts to become accepted as the human being they are by actually share their scopes of opinions. Maybe it’s time to realise that when you fight for freedom of speech, it is naturally that manifold of opinions and religious worldviews radically different than the view of the world that does not necessarily fits with the majority’s image.

Because in the end one question is left: Is it really that bad to have be radically different worldview than most Danes? If a minority of the Danish citizens does not support war, violence, destruction and antidemocratic actions, but still have a worldview radically different from what seems to be the norm, why should this be suppressed? They aren’t doing anything to us. Because we do live in a free country, right?



This is my very first every day tales on my very own blog! Yibiii yay! #noregrets #Iloveblogging

I’ve found that the very essens of a perfect mother-daughter relationship lies within mastering the “manipulation”-category. For instance, when daughter gives ideas as to what mother should read next well-knowing that these very books soon will be on the daughters own shelves, because mother elsewise would throw the books in the bin. Instead daughter will give them a new, happy home. #nevertooold #noregrets #thankyoumom

If a timemachine ever was invented I would go back in time and tell young Kat Marly that she should spend more time enjoying the careless life of a child and not strive so eagerly to become an adult. #beinganadultmakesyoubiteyournailsinnervousity #theadultlifeequalsresponsibility #Iamnotreadyyet #progressisnotfunny


Since graduating from university, I’ve felt stuck. Stuck in an unemployed-bubble, so to speak. Recently, I searched online for the possibility of reading another Master’s Degree both because it interested me but also, I had to admit, in order to replace myself within the very environment I’ve identified myself with the last 5-6 years. Today I took steps that may contain new possibilities for me. A step in the right direction. Contemporary with that new possibilities excites me, they scare me as well. While the new possibilities are within the framework of my current skill-set, they challenge the framework these specific skill-sets have constructed for me as well.

I once took a personality test. It gave me an idea of who I was as a person. Put me in a box. It deducted further that my personality was sooted for a job in a kindergarten for instance. While this test was right – I find taking care of children easy and have a talent for it – that was also what bored me the most. I knew, I had to challenge this frame my personality have placed me within. I know one cannot change who one is, but in my case I believe that just because I am good at taking care of children this is not necessarily what I am supposed to be doing for the rest of my life. Sometimes I’m very good at getting too comfortable within the frameworks I know inside out and become scared whenever I step outside of that frame. However, truth is I also love the rush, whenever I get that “Hey, I can do this”-thrill. So, I knew back then and have known for almost all my life, that if I was to be passionate and dedicated within a possible work-area I needed to go for the areas of work that seemed to challenge the walls of skill-sets and theoretical knowledge I have build around myself. I needed to step out of my comfort-zone and do the opposite of what the personality-tests would say of me. My guideline in life became, and still is, that I had to try out the things that scared the shit out of me.

Because if I was to give in to the fear of leaving my comfort-zone, I would fall into some kind of trance. I would be relatively bored and regret for the rest of my life, that I didn’t step out of the door and instead looking at everyone else through the window. I’ve learned that what tests say of you shouldn’t necessarily be the thing that defines in which “box” you end up in. Sometimes the best thing one can do for oneself is to follow what we get scared of, because we deep down might want it more. Sometimes we have to step of the cliff of comfort and see where we land in the end. It might not necessarily be within what we secretly dream of doing – but maybe in an even better position.

Imens jeg den sidste tid har følt, at jeg har siddet fast i en ledigheds/arbejdsløsheds-bobbel, kan jeg i dag gå på weekend velvidende om, at jeg faktisk gør, hvad jeg kan for at komme i arbejde. Jeg har fået en mulighed for en spændende virksomhedspraktik, der både kommer til at trække på nogle af mine kompetencer men også vil udfordre de rammer mine nuværende kompetencer har sat for mig.

Jeg tog engang en personlighedstest. Jeg mener at huske, at den bebudede mig om, at jeg skulle være i de mere jordnære jobs, hvor der var kontakt med mennesker. Så som pædagog. Jeg har arbejdet indenfor faget engang – ikke som pædagog, men som medhjælper. Det var relativt nemt for mig og jeg kan da også forstå hvorfor testen faldt i den kategori. Det faldt mig helt naturligt – men netop derfor syntes jeg dengang at det var helt vildt kedeligt. Jeg gik derfra med en kæmpe respekt for de mænd og kvinder der arbejdede med børn, formede dem og gav grundlaget for videre udvikling hos det enkelte barn. Jeg forlod erhvervet med en bevidsthed om, at jeg skulle udfordre mig selv på de områder der skræmte mig mest. Jeg vidste dengang, at hvis jeg skulle udvise passion og være dedikeret i mit arbejde, skulle jeg ud i de områder af arbejdslivet der skræmte mig fra hvid og sans, fordi jeg var bange for at fejle. Siden har det været min guideline. Hvis der er noget der skræmmer mig, bliver jeg nødt til at prøve det. Sådan er det.

Derfor udfordrer jeg som regel de rammer der bliver sat omkring mig. Derfor bliver jeg nok aldrig indenfor et arbejdsområde, fordi det er noget jeg har nemt ved. Fordi først da, begynder det at kede mig. Jeg udfordrer grænserne. Jeg udforsker hvad mine kompetencer kan føre til og hvor langt jeg kan trække dem – ud fra den indre følelse af angst. For det er først når jeg giver efter for den angst, at jeg bliver lullet i søvn og kedsomheden vil blive en ven. Istedet lærer jeg om passion og om hvordan vi som menneske ikke nødvendigvis bør lade os definere af hvad rammerne siger om os. Nogle gange er rammerne skabt til at blive brudt ned og opbygget igen.


Only in Danish

Pandekager er en helt normal spise, som jeg vil vove at påstå, at alle i DK kender til, men at lave dem glutenfrie og mælkefrie kan godt resultere i forskellige smagsvarianter alt efter hvilke slags ingredienser man vælger at blande sammen.

Jeg vil derfor præsentere dig for to forskellige variations-muligheder som resulterer i pandekager til 1 person, enten til madpakken eller til den søde tand, som måske kan gøre spare dig for en lille smule besvær og eksperimentering.

De er fantastiske til frokosten, aftensmaden eller madpakken og kan fyldes med alt hvad hjertet begærer – som du jo nok ved.

1 dl majsmel eller boghvedemel
2 dl rismælk / vand
1 æg

Da pandekager er enhvermandseje, regner jeg med at du ved hvad du skal gøre ved dejen. 😉 Det er vigtigt at fordele dejen i et tyndt lag på panden, da de kan blive en del tungere end de almindelige med hvedemel kan blive.

Resultatet er 2 lækre madpandekager, man kan fylde med salat, kød eller andet godt og tage med i madpakken.

Når det kommer til de her slags pandekager plejer jeg som regel at lave dem med boghvedemel og tilføjer vanillepulver eller sukker til blandingen.

1 dl Boghvedemel (Eller: 1/2 dl boghvedemel og 1/2 dl kokosfibermel)
2 dl Soyamælk, mandelmælk eller vand.
1 æg
evt lidt sukker.

Igen ender du med 2 pandekager (måske mere 2,5 pandekage), hvor du kan fylde den med hvad du nu plejer. Selv plejer jeg at fylde dem med honning, peanutbutter, sirup eller bare syltetøj. ÅH mums.

Håber opskriften kan hjælpe med at gøre det der med det glutenfrie og mælkefrie køkken lidt nemmere. At leve uden mælk og gluten i ens kost behøver ikke være så besværligt. Man skal bare lige købe lidt anderledes


As I walk through life,
I have loved and been hurt.
I have burned bridges,
and sworn I would never return.
Only to forgive and let go.

As I walk through life,
I have found the ones,
who are dearest to me
and said goodbye,
to the friendships that didn’t stick.

As I walk through life,
I have shared tears and sorrows.
Pain and suffering.
I have learned that pain is relative
And not to be measured.

As I walk through life,
I have hated the image in the mirror,
Only to make peace with myself
And learned to love,
Despite faults and failures.

As I walk through life,
I have travelled the world
Only to discover,
that at home is the best
And the most beautiful of all.


In the summer of 2014 I spent 3 weeks in beautiful Jordan on a language adventure. I was in Jordan to advance my level of arabic – and what an experience.

I must admit at first being a little skeptical, however, the warmth of the people in Jordan grew on me. I fell in love with the beautiful landscapes and the amazing tradition and culture in Jordan. It is definitely not the last time I’ll spend some time in this beautiful country.

Walking in the massive and at times mysterious dessert, wandering what this hugh sandpit contains of secrets and mysterious guests.  Or the surprise it was to visit beautiful Dana, which was easier to get to than going from.

Dana is a little spot in Jordan with beautiful parks and primitive accommodations.

Despite it being primitive in most ways, it was a peaceful experience to sit on top of a roof eating breakfast and enjoying the view of the mountains crawling in on you.

Despite the difficulties getting away from this amazing place, it was worth a trip and I really advice everyone doing an effort to get to this little spot of heaven. Honestly, DO IT. I could have stayed there forever, just letting nature amaze me. Sometimes I am in awe of the amazing masterpiece God has created. God never ceases to amaze me.

When you spend time in another country so different from your own background your perspective broadens. My believes and my opinions is still the same after this trip, however, my perspective has  changed drastically during my stay here. God reminded me of that he loves all human beings, also the ones on the other side of the boarder of Israel. I met an amazing woman, my teacher, who kept telling us students at the language-school I attended, that “we’re all just humans”. Despite all the traumer she must have been through, she still held her head up high and came into the other side with a charitable worldview.

There is a lot of different, jet amazing people in the world, that just keeps amazing me. The jordanians are not the only ones.

Jordan – worth a trip. Just do it!



I am still going through the first season – but I kinda already have a pretty clear image of what I think of this series.

The plot is actually quite fascinating. A woman travels through time from 1945 to 1743. The series then follows this alien woman in an, to her, alien time, as she is struggling to find her way back to her own timeline. Quite intriguing plot – at first. Because after 10 episodes, I must admit that I kind of had to mute it quite a few times and quickly go to the kitchen for any excuse at all. 

As I have never actually read the books, upon which the series are based, I do not know whether or not my following statements have some explanation other than the series trying to picture a rough time. However, when I see episodes from a series where sex and nakedness are essentials in almost every episode I can’t help but wonder if there were a bunch of men sitting around a table drooling on the very thought on making a historical, pornographic series – and this is what they was allowed to publish in the end. Truth is that I have come to wonder if the very people transfiguring the books to a series actually believed so little in the project so to find it necessary to show naked women almost all the time. The thought was especially sparked after an entire episode of the two main characters having sex. I get the beauty until a certain point – because truth is that I do not want to spend 55 minutes watching two people trying to have sex. There is corners of the internet one could search out for that very purpose.

It is a shame. Because the plot is amazing! It is thrilling! It is interesting! That alone I would personally have provided 6 out of 6 stars (or in this case: tits, as you may). But because of the makers need to pull a historical version of ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ in a series, I end up giving the series 2 out of 6 stars. I find the nakedness demeaning on the female characters and unnecessary. And that alone makes me take away 4 stars.


Originally posted at, April 8th 2016. 

These days the Danish government is yet again making cutbacks regarding radicalised young people. The reason why it is yet again a part of the media as well as a part of the Government’s awareness is due to a resent police response the Danish Security and Intelligence Service made where some young people were arrested and charged within the so-called ‘Danish terror-paragraph’.

It is rather common that radicalisation in a context such as this makes the media overflow with articles that hints fear and begins a sense of hostility among the Danish people. I must admit that the anger regarding the rather one-sided cover of the so-called “muslim radical” which makes it seem that all muslims are radical may overflow my judgement and make my arguments in this respect rather generalised. However, the medias eternal cover of radicalisation in more or less direct connection with Islam and muslims. It makes me so furious that it is the action of a few people that may have an affect of how the Danish people regard the rest of the Danes who confess to Islam and are actually well integrated and participate in the Danish society and pay their taxes.

On one hand, I understand that it’s within the government’s interest to show the Danish people that it takes action against possible terror-threats. In a time like these where Europe seem more of a terror-target than ever, it would on one hand seem ‘too laid-back’ if the government did not react. On the other hand, I find the reaction more a overreaction than a reaction to possible threats. The fact that the Danish Security and Intelligence Service (PET) actually manages to do the job they exists to do, makes me wonder why we need another government “over”-reaction. PET have done a rather good job in the prevention of terror in Denmark – a thing that is rather difficult to prevent. I believe that the only reaction government intervention will create is that the media attention will yet again make muslims the villains and it will create even more hostility among the Danish people. Thus, the growing hostility will result in a Danish people who will to a lesser degree help the war-inflicted people, who really need our help. For instance, I argue that the demand for a complete closure of our borders is a reaction to the growing hostility that is in Denmark. Thus, we will shut out people who have experienced trauma, war and terror in ways we will never be able to understand.

If the government instead let the authorities they have implemented work the way they are ment to, I would respect the government if they react in a rather respectful way towards this Danish system. It would possibly create more peace and instead of letting the fear cloud the judgement of the Danish people. It might make room for more compassion.

Even though, many Danish people have worked against the Danish government’s view of the refugees who have more than ever escaped to Europe, the fact that a refugee-hostile party as the Danish People Party who have gained more support than ever shows me that there is a great deal of fear and hostility that needs to be dealt with in Denmark.

We keep saying to each other that fear and a limitation of our everyday life is what terror wants to create. Even though we keep telling ourselves and each other that it’s important to live life as we would and not be affected by the terror. Maybe, terror is slowly creeping into our conscience and have slowly affected the way we think about the world and the way we react towards people who truly needs our help. Or the way we react towards the diversity that obviously exists in our society.

Showing compassion and helping other are indeed a more difficult road towards destroying terror and what it creates among the people affected by it. But I believe that the long and difficult road is the better road to take than fighting with the same means and tools as the “enemy” does. Have we, the rich part of the world forgotten that our previous actions hostile and mean actions may have had a role in creating the anger, hostility and the “us” and “them”-mentality that terror springs from? Maybe it is time to react differently than we usually have done since a war on terror obviously haven’t worked?


Recipe in English below. 

Mel er en af de mere bøvlede ingredienser, når man bager glutenfrit. FINAX har nogle lækre alternativer til brød som både er glutenfrit og mælkefrit (GF & MF), men resultatet af denne opskrift er en af mine personlige favoritter. Plus ved denne er at den er hurtig at slå sammen, man skal kun bruge 1 slags glutenfrit mel  og den er grundlaget for mange spændende muligheder. Jeg har selv brugt den til: Boller, pølsehorn og pizza-bund.

300-350 g Glutenfrit Havremel (LEV GODT Glutenfrit Havremel / REMA 1000’s Glutenfrie Havremel)
50 gr gær
5 dl lunken vand
2 spsk FiberHUSK* / 1 dl Pofiber*
Evt lidt sukker

Opløs gæren i det lunkne vand og tilføj derefter FiberHUSK, salt (og sukker) til blandingen og rør indtil det bliver en underlig klistret masse. Pisk gerne i 2-3 minutter inden du begynder at tilføje mel. Når massen er sammenhængende og klistret tilføjes melen. Jeg bruger selv min Kenwood og lader den bare køre imens jeg tilføjer melen indtil dejen er fast. Der skal lidt mere mel i end man lige går og tror. Men det kommer også meget an på hvad du skal bruge blandingen til. Evt. eksperimenter lidt med mængden af mel, da det er lidt smag og behag om man vil have dem til at være luftige eller med lidt mere bid i.

Form dejen efter hvad du ønsker at bruge den til, evt lad dejen hæve i en halv til en hel time, hvorefter man skal bage det ved 200 grader ved varmluft.

Du kan med fordel tilføje kerner, olier osv. Dette er kun en grundopskrift til Glutenfrit bagning.

*FiberHUSK og Pofiber kan efterhånden købes i de fleste supermarkeder og butikker. Ellers kan de bestilles over nettet eller i helsekostbutikkerne. 

Flour is one of the ingredients one may struggle with in the Glutenfree Kitchen. In the Danish stores there are different alternatives such as FINAX and there is tons of different recipes on glutenfree bread. The following recipe is my personal favourite which I have used for different purposes such as Pizza and bread.

50 gr yeast
5 dl lukewarm water
2 tsp FiberHUSK / 1 dl Pofiber
300-350 gr Glutenfree Flour made of oats.

Mix yeast and the water until the yeast is dissolved. Add FiberHUSK, salt (and sugar) and stir until the mixture is gooey. Stir in 2-3 minutes until the right texture. Next, you add the flour and this can be a bit tricky. You can experience a bit with this part to get the right texture!

Shape the dough according to what you want to use it to. Leave it be in a half to a whole hour and bake it by 200 degrees in the oven.

You may also add different oils and seeds to the dough.
